About us
We are a family of Christian people worshipping together at Gas Green who are committed to sharing our faith, serving our community, and growing together in God’s love.
Gas Green Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB), the West of England Baptist Association (WEBA), and is part of the South West Cheltenham Ecumenical Cluster, together with:
St. Andrews URC, St. Mark’s Methodist, Salem Baptist, and Christchurch CofE.
Church Membership is open to all who profess repentance towards God and have faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, who believe in One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and whose lives bear evidence of their Christian profession. Members are usually received after Baptism by immersion (Believers’ Baptism). All applicants are asked earnestly to consider the New Testament teaching on baptism, but the Church welcomes to full membership all who conscientiously follow our Lord Jesus Christ.