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Welcome to the website of

Gas Green Baptist Church, Cheltenham! We hope that these pages will tell you something about the Church and its activities.

If you would like more information, please contact us via the postal or e-mail addresses below.

Alternatively, you may like to contact our Minister:

Rev. Iain Hoskins.


Gas Green  Baptist Church

Russell Street



GL51 9HJ


Our Minister


Iain Hoskins


“We are a family of Christian people worshipping

together at Gas Green who are committed to

sharing our faith, serving our community, and

growing together in God's love.”

The Church gathers for Worship on Sundays at 10.45am (weekly), for Family Worship and “Lighthouse" (Children's Group).


Communion is normally celebrated on the first and third Sunday mornings of each month.

Church Magazine


Our bi-monthly church magazine, “Contact”, contains news about what’s going on in Gas Green, and the wider Christian community.  An annual subscription is available, and copies may either be collected at the church, or sent by post.


Alternatively, if you are willing to give us your e-mail address, we would be happy to send an electronic copy

to you as soon as a new edition is available.  Here is a PDF of the current Contact Magazine.

(The downloaded file is in PDF format, and is normally 1 to 2 MB in size).


The August / September 2024 edition is now available.

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